Hey All,
Not long time since last update :) I think its time for a new update about a new game :)
Every year I wanted to participate in Imagine Cup :) but I never have the power to enter alone :( but this year a friend of mine (Omar Khaled Shokry) also wanted to enter Imagine Cup, so we decided to enter but the game must be fun and at same time address tough problem the world is facing and trying to solve it so we thought a lot and since me and him loves the fast pace action, So we decided to make Clean'Em Up.
Clean'Em Up Description:
The game's focus is on computer security threats. This idea is discussed throughout the game in an intelligent fashion. Different threats are available with some information on each threat that confronts with the real behavior of this threat. Also some intelligent weapon design is used to clarify how computer security systems work. The smart design of different threats and weapons keeps the game both fun to play and informative about real life problem at the same time.
We called our team Omidos (Om from Omar and midos from Amidos).
I didn't want to talk about the game since I started it since I only wanted to show some progress about the game :) so here is a video showing the game so far progress :) (Sorry if the game looks slow in the video but that's due to bad free recording tools)
Game music is made by my friend Mikael BauAir for sure :) (These amazing tunes) he is really a very talented person :)
In the end I hope I can win in the competition :)
That's all for now :)
Bye Bye
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