Sunday 8 July 2012

Connect Results and Clean'Em Up Review

Just some small news :) First thing about the MochiMedia Competition as usual I didn't win :( but the new thing this time I got a honorable mention :) which is nice and at same time won a MochiMedia T-shirt (I didn't receive it yet still waiting to send it ;))

About the winners:
  1. They Took Her
  2. Life Long Minute
  3. 60s Burger Run
And those are the Honorable mention: Here is the link forum with the results if you wanna check it out :) btw the next month theme is announced which is Summer Games with One Button and here is the link if you wanna join (same prizes) I will see if I have time to participate :)

Second thing is Clean'Em Up got a funny and nice review by LazyGameReview (a video review) you should check it out :)

That's everything for now :)

Bye Bye