Monday, 31 December 2012

2012 Year Recap and 2013 Hopes

Hey All,
I wish everyone is happy today and aiming for better in next year :) than 2012 :)
This year was amazing for me although I got depressed and stopped working on games and other bad things happen but an overall look it was an amazing year with lots of games released and some of them were large games that took a lot of time to finish

So Let's Recap this year fast, First thing is my games let's talk about this year

The Power: I finished that game last year (2011) as a collaboration project with Alexitron, It took around a year to be finished (not entire year working on it). The game stayed too long in sponsoring I sent emails to lots of people begging them to sponsor it for some good money so I told Alexitron I will release it for free but he was in need for money so he told me lets sell it cheap. So it got sponsor from Game Pirate (it was a bit low deal but I liked working with them).

The game as I expected was a Kaboom and lots of sites wrote about it and liked it (FreeIndieGames, IndieGame Magazine, IndieGames Weblog, JayIsGames) Also it became featured on Newgrounds.

After Finishing with that game I wanted to start a new collab project so I wrote on twitter that I want to make a collab project anyone interested so Vartagh replied on me and saying "Yes", Then we started talking on Skype about the game with each other and we had the idea of mixing The Binding of Isaac with Arena Shooters like Hyper Princess Pitch and we wanted to be funny and retro so I wanted to kill evil mushrooms and make it funny and that's how Alone in the Park started (btw Vartagh chose the name and I like it as a parody to Alone in the Dark game).

Project Cupid: Then it was Valentine's Day and my game Project Cupid was finished also a year ago before finishing The Power but this game didn't get any sponsor deal so I wanted to release it on Valentine's day as a free game and I have done that :) which was something nice in my view also I make the game on Chrome Store and also made a Theme for chrome.

At that time I started working with GameTako on a Flash Story Game Engine for them, So they can use it to make story flash games and after it I made 2 games for GameTako and stopped working with them as I wanted to focus on my career somehow (As I am Teacher Assistant at Faculty of Engineering and I wanted to start my Thesis) and I thought that working with GameTako make me more busy.

Don't Push The Button: In the middle while I was working with GameTako I entered LudumDare for second time but this time I wanted to finish something for it for the first time and the Theme was Tiny World so I got that strange idea about life that keeps us always away from danger but if we changed the what we are doing we get some rewards (coins) but at same time to achieve this we face more difficult situations to reach it. In my view even if the game didn't got any mention I like the game a lot and loved the idea and how it came out and I consider it one of my best games this year.

Then my friend Omar Khaled Shokry enthusiasm me to enter Imagine Cup 2012 and I always wanted to do that, from here Clean'Em Up was born for the competition, and we named ourselves Omidos (Omar + Amidos = Omidos).

Ta'mya: GameTako wanted me to make a game about Egypt something special and I had that strange idea about frying Falafel but since there is a game called Falafel so I wanted to make to pick a more Egyptian name for Falafel which is Ta'mya. The game is pretty boring but it has a interesting concept I wanted to try.

Clean'Em Up: I finished the game and started marketing it and released it on 22/6 this year (it didn't win on Imagine Cup nor IndieCade). It was my first Commercial game to finish it and I didn't want to see how the sales are going on the first day so I saw the sales on the next day and I was stunned just 6 or 7 copies sold I don't remember, I tried with all means to make it sell better send to press and got nice reviews and previews from different sites (Final Boss Fight, IndieGame Magazine, IndieGames Weblog, Lazy Games Review, RockPaperShotgun, True PC Gaming, True Gaming) but this didn't change anything, the game didn't do well in sales and very low amount of people downloaded the demo and try it so I got totally depressed and I felt I am a great failure and I was living a lie called "Game Developer" and believing it so I stopped making games and told myself Alone in the Park will be my last game and I will stop making games for a while.

In that time I started playing lots of the famous and amazing Game Developer "Increpare" and I wished I can make be like him but I know that's super difficult for a moron like me (until now I think I can't be half as good as Increpare as a designer).

Connect: By that time there was a competition made by Mochimedia for summer and whom enter the competition will win a tshirt and I never won anything before so I said to myself why not I make a game and get a tshirt :) At that time I was cleaning my room and found lots of memories and old stuff in it which remind me of my childhood so I wanted to try to make a puzzle game about my childhood and I remembered how I was bad at solving puzzle (and still suck at it) and the only puzzle I liked playing was match the dots to get a shape so I said why not make a game about that one I used to love it as its easy. From here Connect was born.

Robotic Arm: I have a huge problem in my life which is ....... "Fear" I always been afraid from trying new things always thinks it's impossible to be done, I am not that good to do it and always down grade myself. I had an idea of rotating planets (How idea of the game came to me) and I didn't want to do it because I was afraid so after releasing Connect and getting Honorable mention at MochiMedia, I encouraged myself and started working on that idea. So Robotic Arm is created and I was so happy bu how it turned out very well for me its the perfect puzzle game as its not difficult and interesting and give an interesting shapes as an output and feels dark (I adore Darkness and Mystery in games).

Collect: Next LudumDare started and I wanted to make a game about Evolution so I made this weird game (inspired from Genetic Algorithm). First I tried to implement my own physics engine (as I am always afraid of trying new stuff like Box2D physics) but since I failed to make the engine works great so I said to myself lets try Box2D I won't lose anything and I am glad I do that :) I finished the game and made it works perfectly :) the only problem is that after finishing it due to repetition I felt that game sucks so I got some how disappointed but guess what?? The Game became featured on Newgrounds so it get lots of views so I got more excited to explore that idea in a better way.

Explode: It came out as an evolution for Collect and it was my first game to get a trophie on Newgrounds and picked for Daily 3rd Place. That was really incredible.

Balls: This idea came out as an evolution of Explode with some Pool and angry birds and zuma game and I aimed high for this game and wanted to expand it with my friend Omar as a small Omidos title called All My Balls, the game did normally not so good but since it is easy I will continue and make it the second Omidos title.

Find It!: It was an experiment me and Alexitron were doing to test does the game length affect the amount of bid and how fast we get a bid as Alexitron made a flash game port to his famous art game And Everything Started to Fall and his game Jet Pod ReManfacured and both games get a higher bid than The Power and also faster. So the situation was weird so we did this experiment and it fails (more info).

Snazzle: Snayke was released and I was jealous about that game how amazing it is and I wished I was helping in developing it and while I was at my fantasy world :D I got that strange idea of Snazzle so I worked on it and released it and didn't know it will be one of my hits that everybody likes and talks about and it was my second game which took a trophy from Newgrounds as Daily 4th Place (FreeIndieGames, IndieGame Magazine, JayIsGames, PC Gamer).

Top Down Super Crate Box: McFunkypants made a miniLD for charity so I wanted to join it and the only restriction was to make a game using SNES pallet of colors so I was thinking that most of famous game other people make in other camera view and became fun too (example: Awesomenauts is 2D Platformer game for DOTA and League of Legends). Since I was hearing at that time Super Crate Box OST and since I love Top Down Shooters and Hate Platfromers (that was the part I hate about Super Crate Box) so I got the idea of Top Down Super Crate Box which is making the game I would love to see Super Crate Box on its form.

Mindless: At that time I was so furious from people in Egypt all of them make lies to make their opinion the best and don't listen to other people so I entered GameJolt GameJam and made that game for it (finished it really after the Jam as I read the dates wrong :D) and I think the game have some repetitive elements but I think it is very good in how it shapes out.

Alone in the Park: It has been for one month on FGL looking for sponsor and I became disappointed again that the game that I spent on it 8 months comes out very bad and non want to bid for it or sponsor it. So I thought me and Vartagh to publish it for free on Newgrounds so I asked Tom Fulp to support the game and sponsor as a support for the game and he said to me that Newgrounds don't have enough money so he can spend so little on the game so we accepted it as even we didn't get anything from Newgrounds we will release it on it as I adore that site alot :) the game turns out not so good but there are a nice amount of people like it which is nice.

Evil Goat: Last game that year made for LudumDare 25 for You are Villian Theme, the game is not innovative but what I liked that I managed to make 15 levels very fast with nice ideas and not repeating which I liked.

Teddy: This is my last game made for GameTako I made it in the middle just after Ta'mya it was using my story based engine I made for them.

Kabba: It was made to help the Syrian Refugees (Its just reskinning Ta'mya to use Kabba (Famous Syrian Eating) instead of Falafel) for more info see that link.

Woooooow you continued to here in the article that's really wooow :D also It was a wonderful productive year although I was depressed and stopped working for some months but I learned a lesson "Keep Trying".

Second thing of the article is about my best games I played this year (may be some of them is not released this year but I played it that year) About the best music I heard this year here is my list Last thing I wish everybody enjoyed my games this year and Hope I can fight my fears next year and became good at making them and I hope I can participate to next year IGF or IndieCade or any known event :) and socialize more with people (as I suck at that) I would love to finish some huge projects and make them succeed that time and get to me some cash that can keep me alive. I wish everybody is always Happy and enjoy his life and find what he is seeking for.

That's Everything for now

Bye Bye

Monday, 24 December 2012

Evil Goat New Game & it's Walkthrough

Hey All,
I know its a bit late as usual to tell you about my new game Evil Goat which is made for LudumDare25 (You are a Villain).

For sure you knew from twitter about it when I was making it but I was a bit busy to post here about it and at same time I wanted to post here after sometime so I can test every level and be sure the minimum is correct in each level.

Thanks to Aro769, MadMath, Guzah, Fake-Zarkel, DrominEcho, keharriso on Newgrounds for helping me to correct the minimum of most of the levels.

Here is Timelapse for me about LudumDare (frame rate is 3 frames per second and I captured around 4 frames in hour so the video is short due to that)

The game is now uploaded on Last thing but don't use it unless you are totally stuck is a Walkthrough for the game

Level 1 - 1/1: U
Level 2 - 2/2: UD
Level 3 - 3/3: RUL
Level 4 - 9/9: RLURDULDR
Level 5 - 14/14: RURDLDDRDLLDLU
Level 6 - 4/4: DRLU
Level 7 - 11/11: URULRDRDLDD
Level 9 - 7/7: RLDRUDL
Level 11 -5/5 RURLD

Hope you like the game and enjoy it :) That's everything for now :)

Bye Bye

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Take Long and Longer in Sponsoring but its OUT

Hey All,
From the title of the post I am sure some have guessed what I am gonna say. Yup what you thought is true Alone in the Park is out now :D YaaaaaaY :D

Really this game took too long to be finished and too long to be sponsored and published :D I was gonna try to sell it or release for free in the end but Thanks to Tom Fulp I talked to him and he is really a nice guy he offered for me sponsoring rather than release for free :) really his a very nice guy :)

Why we talk a lot now let's go kill some evil mushrooms in Alone in the Park.

The game contains 3 IndieGames characters by @ConnorUllmann and @Notch and @TerryCavanagh so go and unlock characters and kill mushrooms ;) Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed it while creating :)

That's everything for now

Bye Bye

Friday, 7 December 2012

Mindless GameJolt GameJam 3 Entry

Hey All,
As usual I am telling you at the start of the post that It has been too long since last post and I update my twitter faster than that blog so if you want to know faster updates follow me on twitter (@amidos2006).

I think I became a little expected and repetitive on the starting of any of my blog post so I tried to repeat it this time in a new way :P

Recently I entered GameJolt GameJam 3 but unfortunately I didnt notice that the jam started 2 days before so I didn't manage to submit on time so I worked on it for about 48 hours but not like a jam it is distributed on several days.

And I managed to make Mindless (a game that metaphors what's happening in the political scene happening in Egypt these days and the conflicts between Freedom and Religion) where you ..... You'd better try it so I don't spoil the experience as its a short experience game.

The art style of the game is inspired by "Seedling" the amazing masterpiece game by Connor Ullmann (if you didn't try it before you should do it now).

The game is now on That's everything for now :) talk to you all later

Bye Bye

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Top Down Super Crate Box my Charity GameJam Entry

Hi All,
As usual long time since last post but I have been busy working on lots of stuffs :) you can get faster updates about my project by following me (@Amidos2006) or faster updates about All my Balls by tracking the TIGSource thread.

Two days ago @McFunkypants started a miniLD for charity (which is first Charity LudumDare) called Charity GameJam (more details).

So I participated in it and finished a NES version of Super Crate Box but in Top Down shooter way inspired by Dromad (Connor Ullmann) so go try it now on Charity GameJam Website :)

That's everything for now :)

Bye Bye

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Fast News and A Request :)

Hey All,
As usual sorry for not posting for a while but I have been busy playing a friend of mine (@theBanov) newest game game (Phantasmaburbia) and its so amazing, you should check it :) Also I had some college work to do so everything is slowed down :( Sorry :(

You could be more updated of what I am doing by following me on Twitter (@amidos2006) as I tweet a lot more than here :)

First thing I am now working on my 2nd Commercial game which is an expansion to Balls game and the game is called All my Balls :) and I started a Devlog on Tigsource Forums where you can follow my updates on the project there :) (Go track the project).

About Alone in the Park till now we didn't get any sponsorship deal so if you know some contact to sponsor could you help us and tell him about the game :) I really appreciate that :)

Last thing I always wanted to be one of the finalist of FGS (Flash Game Summit) so could you vote for some of my games :) and here a list of my best games in 2012 so far Its easy just head to FGS Awards (link) and just fill the data with the game name and link on newgrounds

I hope I can sponsor Alone in the Park so I can nominate it in the FGS this year (I hope so) :)

Thanks everybody for reading my blog (as I never thank you before) without you I won't be able to continue working on my games (feeling that there is someone who likes to follow you and play your games really give me a push to continue).

That's everything for now

Bye Bye

Friday, 2 November 2012

Alone in the Park is looking for sponsorship

Hey All,
Sorry for not posting here the past few days but I was very busy the past few days. If any of you was following me on Twitter(@amidos2006) I am sure that news is old for him.

Alone in the Park (the collaboration game between me and Vartagh) is finished and it's now on FGL for bidding and also we sent direct emails to the sponsors in order to sponsor our game.

I wish this game is sponsored by Newgrounds or ArmorGames or Kongregate or AdultSwimGames as I love these sites a lot and want my game to be for them :)

This game had been in development before Clean'Em Up was even started it took around a year to be finished (due to not working on continuous on it) and I am very happy it's now finished.

I hope the game gets a good chunk of money as I am nearly broke and I didn't get any money from my games in this year 2012 (I was hopping Clean'Em Up gets me some money so I can continue working on games as full time or even part time but that doesn't happen).

So a request if you are a sponsor or have direct contact to sponsor consider telling him about Alone in the Park(FGL link and I have sitelocked version (just email me) if the sponsor have no access to FGL) and thanks for the help I really appreciate that :)

Here is the new trailer about the game :) Hope you like it better :)

And here is the poster for the game I made long time ago :)

So what are you waiting for :) Go test the game on FGL link and show me some love by rating the game or sending feedback or sending to a sponsor telling about my game or spread the word about the game on the internet or just enjoy the game :)

Listed is the game features
  • 7 playable / unlockable characters (featuring 3 IndieGames characters)
  • 2 Gameplay modes
  • Lots of different mushroom types
  • Boss Fights
  • Upgrades
  • RPG elements and power ups
  • Achievements
  • Different ending
That's everything for now :) Hope you enjoy the game

Bye Bye

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Snazzle Inspiration and Evolution and More

Hey All
Just wanted to chit-chat a little :) about lots of stuffs :)

First thing to talk about is Snazzle game and how the idea came out. As I stated in the description of the game on all websites it's inspired from the amazing game Snayke and how it turns a simple classic title like Snake into an amazing game. I loved the idea and loved the art style and music very much and wished I was one of the developers of the game.

One day while I was surfing the internet I found an interesting game made by Jayenkai called Pac-Man Slots when I first saw it (before I played it) I though I will choose a row then make my Pac-Man moves in that direction and not to die, but It was not like that it was weird game (you should try it link).

From here Snazzle idea came from but it was at the beginning just a snake where you choose the starting position and it start moving and whenever it eat a new food the game stops and give you the control to choose the new direction it will go towards it afterwards but I thought it is very easy and useless idea.

So after thinking I told myself what about making you place the whole actions the snake shall do on the grid and let the game plays and see if the plan is good or not (It was inspired a little from a game called Micron which is interesting and worth buying (link)). After implementing everything I thought the idea is bad and will be easy and won't be able to design good puzzling levels so I started with a little depression and wanted to finish it quickly to move on to a new idea. While I was designing levels about the game mechanics I found its interesting and do weird and bizarre things and was really interesting.

Hope that was not a boring story about how Snazzle is evolved :)

Next thing is I found some review videos to some of my previous games on Youtube and I am happy It's rarely happens to me that someone make a video review for a game I make. Here are the videos :)

First one is for Connect:

Second is for Robotic Arm:

Third one is Deutsche review for Explode (I couldn't understand but looks interesting):

Last one I just found right now while I am making this blog post its about Snazzle (beware its a walk through for the game so it will spoil the game if you didn't play it):

In the end I wanna say I am going to start working on larger version of Balls (All my Balls) and I want to finish it as soon as possible (shorter development cycle) and if it succeeds, we will produce a free expansion with more chapters and stuffs and editor for the levels for the game.

Until then that's everything for now :)

Bye Bye

Friday, 19 October 2012

Snazzle: a tribute game for Snayke game

Hey All,
Sorry for not keeping you informed about Snazzle but I was so busy this week working on Snazzle and working at faculty :) In the end the game is now finished and I think it turned out very well and I hope you will like it.

It's now online over: That's everything for now will post soon about some stuff when I got free time

Bye Bye

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Find It! is released (Kid games made in 8 hours)

Hey All,
Do you remember my experiment game with Alexitron (made in 8 hours), I said it failed to get a sponsor and I put it on gameshop.

Guess What? It didn't get views nor sales so I thought to publish it anyway :) Here are the links of the game if you want to try it: That's everything for now

Bye Bye

Tuesday, 9 October 2012


Hi All,
I didn't write here long time and I only wrote when it is a new game announcement :) but there was lots of things happening before that silence and I didn't have time to tell you about its results or what happened (because I am a bit busy and lazy :S) so I decided today to write about all missing things here.

First thing is about my collaboration game "Alone in the Park" that has been in-development since ever (even before starting on Clean'Em Up) but its now 99% finished just small polishing stuff and will be ready for beta testing and after 2 weeks in testing in that time we will seek for sponsorship for the game (Hope to get a cool deal as the game is nice and we put a lot of work in it) and then the release :) Since we didn't say a lot of details about the game so I made a trailer (it is intended to be funny and don't show anything about the story) Hope you like it :)

I think showing a trailer for Alone in the Park is a nice start to the blog and I hope some of you are excited about the game to be coming out :)

In the past few months some of my games got featured so here are the articles if you are interested to read :) (KillScreenDaily: Kabba) (IndieGames: Clean'Em Up) (IndieGame Magazine: Clean'Em Up) (IndieCade: Clean'Em Up) (Oddities: Connect).

I am sure if any of you following me on twitter(@amidos2006) he probably known about all these in time (even the trailer;)).

About my LudumDare 24 Game (Collect) I didn't post here or any where about the results or what happened to it so here is the results
  • #98 Innovation: 3.56
  • #148 Overall 3.41
  • #152 Theme 3.49
  • #179 Fun 3.19
  • #254 Audio 2.75
  • #280 Mood 2.80
  • #300 Graphics 3.11
  • #493 Humor 1.76
As you can see it is better than Don't Push the Button results but that doesn't mean its better than Don't Push the Button at all, what makes this game better in results that I cared to make lots of people vote for me (that's by voting for lots of other people games (which I didn't do in the last LudumDare)) so the overall results of Collect became better (although if you played both games you will find that Don't Push the Button is better than Collect (in my view ;))).

I am happy with the results and I don't regret that I have done that game (although on the delivery day I was totally upset and thought the idea is stupid and boring but I think it turns out nicely :)).

Do you remember the game called Find it! that I made in 8 hours with Alexitron just as experiment for FGL to see if short games get sponsorship quicker than long games?, and I think I was correct in the debate with Alexitron that the length of the game doesn't depend at all for getting a fast sponsorship but the quality of the game and how fun it is overall make the sponsoring the game faster and what makes The Power doesn't get a good sponsorship deal(money) as you can't understand the game and assess it depending on 2 mins or 3 mins playing at least you need to play it for 7 or 10 mins at least before giving it a score (I think it is a silly mistake and we could avoid it by more help from communities to market it or sending direct emails to sponsors (I have done that with The Power but I think my email is marked as spam for sponsors as no one replied on me which is weird)).

So we put Find It! now on Gameshop on FGL and if it doesn't sell in the gameshop we will release it as a kids game made in 8 hours :)

About my latest game Balls as I said before its a prototype of a huge game called "All my Balls" and we will start it if the prototype succeeded but that doesn't happen as the prototype only got few views (3k compared to my other games) and low rating (3/5 compared to my other games) some may say that may consider as a success for the prototype (yes its true if not compared to my other games :D) and since this game is nice so I decided to continue on larger version (Isn't being indie cool ;D but it won't be so huge nor short, you can say a moderate commercial game and if it succeeded will release an update with more content) so this will be our second Omidos commercial game (I think;)).

Snayke is an amazing game by Alex Szpakowski since I loved the game feeling and his retake on classic snake game, I decided to make a tribute game. While I was playing this game and I got an idea for Snake game in a puzzle form and will call it Snazzle hope I start on it to finish it soon (Experimental game so you don't put aim for long gameplay session) during that time waiting for my new game I recommend you go and grab a copy of Snayke and play it :) you can try the demo if you want before you buy the game ;) here is the trailer of the game

Last thing on this post is that I wish one day I can participate in the IGF every year I wish that but I didn't make a game that I think worth submitting. Every year at that time when I see lots of amazing games and talented indie developers submitting their games to the IGF I feel jealous and want to make a game worth submitting ;). At now time the only one game idea I think is worth submitting will be Robotic Arm but it will need to be larger and better which will be called Robotic Arm Plus ;) but it is too early to say anything about it ;).

That's everything for now ;) and sorry for the long post ;)

Bye Bye

Monday, 1 October 2012

Balls (new game) is OUT!!!

Hey All,

New experimental game Balls has been finished and now its online on Just use the mouse to aim and press to shoot your Ball, Same color Balls explode on contact, Blast all Balls.

This experimental game is different from all the other because if the prototype works well, We(Omidos) will make a large scale project called "All my Balls" and will be our(Omidos) second commercial game.

There are alot more information I want to share with you but I am busy these days so I will share them as soon as I became free again.

Bye Bye for now

Friday, 7 September 2012

Explode new puzzle game is Online

Hey All,

New experimental game Explode has been finished and now its online on Just use mouse to place bombs which explodes and moves balls toward Goal.

That's everything for now, see you later :).

Bye Bye

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Find It! on FGL

Hey All,

Just want to say the collaboration experimental project between me and Alexitron (Find It!) is now completed and waiting on FGL to be sponsored :) I will start contacting some sponsors to see if they are interested :) Its just a small game where your aim is to "How many items can you find in 60 seconds? Play Find it! to find out. It will only take a minute."

Here is the link again if you didn't catch it first :)

Hope the experiment work good :) and that's everything for now :)

Bye Bye

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Collect Postmortem and New game

Hey all,
First of all some of you wanna read Collect Postmortem it is now posted on LudumDare blog you can check it there (link).

Second thing I wanna thank Scattle and Noel Berry for inspiration in making the game happens :)

Third and final thing the new game, it is a collaboration game between me and Alexitron the game is not large thing like "The Power", its just a small casual arcade game called "Find it!" as he wanted to make an experiment about flash game as when we made "The Power" (large adventure game we didn't get any bids and last bid which we accept was small) while his game "And everything started to fall" got a huge bid although its a small game :)

My opinion was that "And everything started to fall" was an amazing game and deserve huge bid even if it is small and "The Power" also an amazing game but since it is long game where lots of sponsors might not get interested with that and won't be able to figure out why it is fun unless they play it for more than 2 minutes so it didn't get enough attention.

But I think the experiment is nice and worth trying so we almost finished the game and we will start the experiment soon.

That's everything for now :)

Bye Bye

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Collect Enhanced version is now online :)

Hey All,
Collect my entry to LudumDare 24 is enhanced and became more easier and less repetitive is now online on my usual portals :) The game now features music by Kevin Macloed and it is now better than before :)

P.S.: Sorry for the spelling mistake in the game title :$ its now solved :)

That's everything for now :)

Bye Bye

Monday, 27 August 2012

Collect: Game about Collecting and Evolving for LudumDare 24 Competition

Hey all,
Long time as usual since I posted here and I am sorry for that but I was lazy and depressed the past days since last post about Robotic Arm.

So I decided to break the boredom by participating in LudumDare 24 :) and Thanks god I have finished a game with strange idea (experimental as usual, I don't know from where these weird ideas come from really :D).

So I finished a game called Collect where your aim to collect + signs and evolve to survive all tests.

Will make a post soon about how idea came and what goes right and what goes wrong in making it :) (Collect: Postmortem post)

That's everything for now go Play & Rate the game.

Bye Bye

Monday, 6 August 2012

Robotic Arm is out and its evolving story :)

Hey All,
As usual I didn't find sponsor soon for my game so I decided to release it for free :)
The game is inspired at the first place by images from Nexus Game Studio and their upcoming game infinite.

I wanted to create a game about planets and orbiting and I started thinking and at the beginning to mix the idea of rotating planets with Don't Push the Button zooming idea so whenever you reach a destination this destination is a part of planets that will rotate with you and the camera goes out. The rotating idea had come to me from a game I used to play it a lot at these days called These Robotic Hearts of Mine by Alan Hazelden you should check it, its free on web and there is versions for iOS and Android and Playbook.

I tried to play the game in my mind but it was impossible to be played and the puzzles that can come out of that idea were limited to me so I decided to put it in my idea files till I figure out how to solve its problems.

After few weeks Mochi made 60 seconds competition and I was cleaning my room (as it rejected to clean it since long time) and found old magazines and comics where I used to solve connect the dots games in them and I remembered how much fun and how much I love them, so I decided to make a contribution game to Connect the dots games and so Connect was made.

While I was making Connect, Newgrounds was launching RobotDay competition so a spark happened inside my mind why not convert the rotating planets into a robot arm who want to reach to a specific destination so from here the idea came about robot arm have specific pattern and want to change his pattern to new one, and since I always love quotes so I decided to make quotes after you finish each level about Robots.

These short story about the game and how it came to live so let's short everything and play the game, its now live on That's everything for now :)

Bye Bye

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Hamada X Postmortem

Hey all,
This post will be just talking about the game and the jam time (GameZanga).
This year GameTako finds a partner in Egypt (The District) to host the GameZanga event so for the first time I attended GameJam at the venue with other developers. I didn't only attend the venue, I also volunteered to help to make the GameZanga happen.

This year theme for GameZanga was "Freedom", so I was thinking what I can do about that, I got an idea about a boy in a room where there is a great watching eye (like eye of Sauron from Lord of the Rings) where it tells the player what to do and what to not do and if the player followed the rules nothing happens but if you decided to break the rules then you advance in the game, its a mixture between Tower of Heaven and Decpit1.

I started drawing the eye, and thinking for a better idea but I didn't get an idea till Ahmed Saker suggested to collaborate and work on a game. Since Saker uses Unity3D so we decided to use it (it was the first time to use it).

Saker wanted to make a game complicated and contains puzzles like Increpare games, and he wanted really to make a game where all the puzzles lies in the visuals and pattern recognition (like Activate the Three Artefacts and then Leave) but I thought it needs too much time to be finished so we decided to change the idea but keeping in mind to make it a puzzle game.

So I got a great idea what about the game is just something happening in your brain and whenever you fail you loop inside the same room till you changed the way you think to solve the puzzle.

We loved the idea and decided it is the one we want to make, so how that relates to freedom?? any guess??

This is pure Freedom, as we said that the player won't go out of the room and will loop in it(which have the meaning of following Routine which cause your life (game) boring with no new stuff) if he always restrict his thinking in a particular way, for example you have a poor guy and a rich guy and have two types of food (cheap one and expensive one). The common sense will make you give the cheap food to the poor guy and the expensive food to the rich guy but why you do that because its the normal thing that happens (the word normal thing is against freedom because you put chains on your way of thinking so we want you to free your mind from all chains that is against freedom). So the game will be sequential rooms with doors at the front and end and there is a puzzle in the room if you solved it in normal common sense way the door will open and you will enter and find yourself in same room but if you solved it in the abnormal way you will advance to the next room and so on.

May be someone noticed something that the game is solved in only one path that I had decided will making the game which means that is not Freedom and that was intended as there is nothing called Freedom in my view and Saker view too. Freedom is just a word but in the end everything you do follows certain rules in your brain and never noticed that.

That was the intention of the game and how it is related to Freedom and as I said in the previous post that we only finished a prototype so we didn't have time for text or making more than one room or anything of these stuffs (we only work for 1 day and half maximum on the game).

Here is a timelapse video:

Here is a link for the Prototype of the game.

That's everything for now stay tuned for more game releases soon.

Bye Bye

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Quick Review from the death

Hey All,
Long time since the last update about 2 or 3 weeks I think :S I am sorry about that but I was so busy organizing the first Arabic GameJam held in Egypt where the main host of the event is GameTako (Arabic online game portal where it host arabic games) so I am sorry for that.

I am sure you are asking did I make a game in the jam? since I was handling some organization stuff so I had only 1 day and half to create the game so I cooperated with Ahmed Saker (a fellow indie developer here in Egypt) and Ahmed Mounir (an amazing artist and he is behind all the game art) to try to finish the game but he couldn't do that as we were using Unity3D and I am somehow not familiar with it so I was not speedy in working so we only finished a prototype of the engine and submit it.

Since we didn't have time to name the game so while we were joking we named the character Hamada X so we named the game after it. for full details about the game and development and idea, I will make a postmortem soon for that so stay tune :) (to try the prototype here is the link)

Second thing if you follow @OmidosGames on twitter you will find that Clean'Em Up received 50% discount on the occasion of Ramdan (till 17/8/2012) so go grab a copy its just 1.99$.

Another thing Kabba game (a modded version of Ta'mya) is published on GameTako where all the ad revenue from it will be send to help the Syrian case so give it a shot and help Syrian people.

About Crappy Dreams and Alone in the Park the development just stopped for some time since I was busy due to GameTako gamejam, but I hope we (me and Vartagh) finish the game by the end of this month.

Also I played a flash game called Personal trip to the moon and its so charming and you should all try it (I wish I can design games like that one because this type of games represent my personal experience and life, Hope Crappy Dreams also deliver a part of my experience).

Last thing that I made a new flash game called Robotic Arm it will be produced in couple of days where it is a quoted puzzle game about robots (made for Newgrounds RobotDay but since I was busy I couldn't submit it on time). I think it is interesting and won't take long time to finish it.

Thats everything for now see you soon :)

Bye Bye

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Connect Results and Clean'Em Up Review

Just some small news :) First thing about the MochiMedia Competition as usual I didn't win :( but the new thing this time I got a honorable mention :) which is nice and at same time won a MochiMedia T-shirt (I didn't receive it yet still waiting to send it ;))

About the winners:
  1. They Took Her
  2. Life Long Minute
  3. 60s Burger Run
And those are the Honorable mention: Here is the link forum with the results if you wanna check it out :) btw the next month theme is announced which is Summer Games with One Button and here is the link if you wanna join (same prizes) I will see if I have time to participate :)

Second thing is Clean'Em Up got a funny and nice review by LazyGameReview (a video review) you should check it out :)

That's everything for now :)

Bye Bye

Friday, 6 July 2012

Clean'Em Up OST

Hey All,
Just wanted to announce here that Clean'Em Up OST by talented Mikael Bauer is online on Bandcamp its for pay what you want :) so Consider paying some money as its an amazing album :)

That's everything for now :) Just check the album and I am sure you won't regret :) (Bandcamp Link)

Bye Bye

Friday, 29 June 2012

Connect: new game made for MochiMedia contest

It has been a while since last post, I haven't worked a lot in past few days (after Clean'Em Up release) because my morals were down due to lots of stuffs happened to me recently.

So I figured out to make a new game for MochiMedia June Contest (60 Seconds Gameplay) and I started thinking about the idea till I was cleaning my room. I found lots of my childhood magazines and comics (mickey, flash, smash) and I remembered how I always love "Connect the Dots" game in them.

So I decided to make a game as a contribution to these old days :) I wanted to make something new than just connecting dots to get shape, So I inspired by Increpare Puzzles game and English Country Tune so I decided to make something with the game which have some thinking and at same time connect the dots to get a shape.

Due to that Connect was made where your aim is to connect the nodes of the graphs and at same time make all nodes balanced (have zero value). I know its a weird idea but I decided to test it in that competition :).

Connect is available on That's everything for now stay tune for more news and stuffs soon :)

Bye Bye

Thursday, 28 June 2012

U.F.O. Source code released

I have said in the 100th Post that I will publish lots of my game codes and will talk a lot about the development of each one.

The first game that I am going to talk about is U.F.O. you will notice its one of my abandoned games, this game was done for LudumDare but I get bored and at that time was having some issues with my life so I didn't continue the game and didn't submit it to LudumDare and no one ever tried it except me :)

The game is about a U.F.O. who want to terminate man kind so he kidnap people by using the anti-gravitational beam but the U.F.O. is malfunctioned so any person is kidnapped is thrown away after few seconds but at that time the U.F.O. acquire any weapon those people had so he can use it to kill more people (sounds weird).

The source code of the game is here( and the controls if you want to try the game Arrows to move and X for anti-gravitational beam (the swf file is in bin folder) the shooting is not functional yet.

That's everything for now hope the code is useful for some one :)

Bye Bye

Friday, 22 June 2012

Clean'Em Up released on Desura

Hey All,
Today is the launch day of Clean'Em Up and its now on Desura (there is a demo their you can try before buy :D).
Desura Digital Distribution
The Game as you know contain lots of content (which is fun) and features:
  • DRM Free
  • Twin Stick Shooter with nice candy effects
  • Shooting from both direction (Back2Back Engine)
  • 70+ Levels with 5 different Gameplay modes
  • 3 Survival modes
  • 5 Boss fights
  • Customizable Character (Consisting from 4 pieces)
  • 18 Weapons
  • 6 Characters with Overclocking ability
  • 20+ Achievements
Hope you give it a shot and you won't regret that you tried it :)
The game got featured recently on Last thing today will have some give away and competition on Twitter just keep tuned with @OmidosGames for these competitions.
That's everything for now stay tuned :)

Bye Bye

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Clean'Em Up Release

Hey All,
Clean'Em Up is finished and will be released on Desura in 3 days (22/6/2012) :) Keep tuned to @OmidosGames twitter account on launch day for competitions and gifts for the game launch.

Desura Digital Distribution

Also the game got a nice review by Final Boss Fight website you should check that :)

Here is the game website ( and for all people how are interested in Omidos next game stay tuned with Omidos website ( ;)

Bye Bye

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

The Power landed on Kongregate, Newgrounds and GameJolt

Hey all,
Sorry for long time with no updates but I was struggling with some stuff for the Launch of Clean'Em Up :) This gonna be a quick blog post.

The Power now landed on Show it some love and tweet about that :) Thanks inadvance :)

Bye Bye for now

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Kabba (Arabic Game) And Game Updates

Hey All,
First Thing I am announcing an Arabic Game called Kabba(Syrian Food) for GameTako website where all its revenue will go as donations for Syria and I hope it gets lots of money :). Kabba game is Ta'mya game (same game engine) but different graphics and thanks for Ali GameTako Graphics Designer for amazing graphics created.

Second thing Jesper Post a cool guy played The Power and made a large map for the game connecting all rooms with each other :) nice work :) from him but it is a spoiler by the way so if you didn't play the game yet don't look at it unless you got stuck and wanna know where to go next :)

Don't Push the Button get nice feedback on Newgrounds which I didn't expect its till now my most played game on Newgrounds it got around 9k views and what makes me more happy that some people understood the idea behind the button :) Karbunos wrote a very amazing review about the game about the game that I loved so much and here is it:

Excellent game. Poor presentation.

By this, I mean that the gameplay is pretty good and thoroughly planned out. Each press of the button introduces a new gameplay element, and each encounter with these obstacles steadily increases the difficulty of timing your jumps. The controls work fine, and while they may be difficult to get used to, adapting is simply another part of the game's challenge.

However, the presentation of the game is what drives this game downhill. No story is apparent, and there is no goal other than pressing the next button and getting the gold. From your description, though, it appears that you're trying to tell the story through the gameplay, and upon completion you'll tell us everything, or enough at least, of what the game is about. The problem with this is that you've mixed two extremely volatile elements together: "hardcore" gameplay and artful storytelling. The only way to understand the story is to get to the end, and the only way to get to the end is through an unforgiving gauntlet which puts you all the way back to the start upon death.

I understand that you want to keep the reasons behind the story and the goal to find gold a secret until the end, but it has hurt your score because not everyone is willing to complete a game that is really unforgiving of their mistakes. They want to feel as if they've made progress, and sending them all the way back to start prevents that. In addition, the camera becomes a problem in the later levels. I've only reached the level where the lasers disintegrate the green platforms, but at that stage, it becomes slightly ridiculous when your character becomes a speck on the screen.

Overall, I like this game. I think you could have done a lot better if you had more thoroughly explained the story and difficulty of the game: Many people prefer to know what they're getting into before playing! This game has potential, but it fails to be understood, which really hurts its score.

I hope your game does better over time, and I hope to see more from you in the future!

Another thing I didn't get any comments about Clean'Em Up Website so please devote a minute and write your opinion here in the comment section or by e-mail as the game is nearly finished Today I finished all the tweaks in the game and made the game support WASD and Arrows for the AZERTY keyboards and still waiting for the music from Mikael Bauer.

Another Thing Alone in the Park is fine and its almost finished as we are now working in level design :) and that's what is missing with some art for the intro and outro of the game :) and here is a reveal for the second character :)

Last Thing is a screenshots from Mountainer Android Version running on Abdulla HTC one X (thnx for abdulla for testing the game for me)

That's all of it now I am going to continue playing EvilQuest :) will try to write a recap of E3 Press Conference soon :)

Bye Bye