Saturday, 25 July 2009

Bunch of News

Hey All,

I return today from Alexandria (a city in Egypt) during my stay there I started my new game which I will participate with it in GameCog contest Hope to finish it soon for the competition :).

I will give you a hint about it, its a shooter game in a new way.
First although lots may knew about that so far but I totally forgot to say the new version of GameMaker 8 beta is out if you like to test it. The features are the same but some bugs were fixed here is a list of the fixed bugs(link) :)

Another thing YoYoGames said that anone whom will buy GameMaker 7 Pro version these days will take a free upgrade to GameMaker 8 free of charge.

Another thing I participated by CrytorYan in Experimental Games this month competition :) and now it is consiered as an entry in it.

Another Thing about Madness Compo made by QOG I was awarded a prize called "This Would Have Won Had You Not Spent Five Hours On It" (link) and I think thats cool.
Last thing I think :) GameJolt chose me as one of the beta testers for the Ad-Revenue beta system :) so I can earn some money from the advertisement in my profile page or any of my games. (link to profile page)



  1. You are in the beta now , lets cheat , you click on my ads and I click on yours , that way we both make each other rich and can quit our day jobs and just do games all day long .
    nah ! just kidding .
    But hey , you seem to be all over the place now , good for you , I'm glad that your work is getting attention , you do a good job with your games so you deserve it .
    Keep it up !

  2. Thanks Alex for these words :)
    Your games are really impressive too :)
    I have a question can your website support RSS feeds as I love to follow ur news :)

    About the idea Niahahahahaha we can be reach in couple of days Niahahahahaha :D this is the devilish thinking :) hehehehe

    I wanna see a game for you in the new GameJolt Compo :) plz participate :)

  3. Your welcome !

    No , my site doesn't support RSS feed , maybe the blogs do but I don't have any .

    I don't know if i will participate in the new compo , I really don't like to compete and my time to make games gets shorter by the minute , too much to do and to much work , I'm getting home to tired . I'm just making smaller games now and even those will take a wile to complete . I don't think a compo entry is a good idea right now .

  4. mmm.......
    No problemo :D
    only I hope that u continue making games as usual :)
    I hope u always in good mood and health :)
